2-Lite’s Designer

Tracey Ramsey

Tracey Ramsey, founder and designer of 2-Lite, is a resident of Queens, New York.

Her interest in designing earrings began in 2009 when she decided to wear her hair in its natural state by doing “The Big Chop” (cutting off all chemically treated hair). While adjusting to her new look, Tracey found herself looking for big, bold, earrings that made a statement; and couldn’t find any she liked. There simply weren’t any earrings exciting enough to complement her new hair style.

Most earrings on the market were either too heavy, common or massed marketed. She wanted different, bold, unique and they had to be lightweight.

In addition to her big hair transition, Tracey was fresh into retirement. It was time to embark on some of her bucket list goals, so she enrolled in jewelry classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC. She enjoyed working with her hands; creating earrings. The process brought her a sense of calmness, peace, and satisfaction. Not long after, Tracey’s sister and daughters became her models. Soon after, women started inquiring and wanted to purchase Tracey’s creations right off of her model’s ears! Women expressed wanting the type of earrings Tracey was creating for many of the same reasons Tracey starting creating them. That is when Tracey realized it was important not to just sell her earrings, but it was just as important to make sure women wore the right size, shape and color for their individual style and skin tone.

Tracey’s lightweight creations were not only lighting up the faces of the women who wore them, they were conversation starters. Tracey quickly learned that many other women wanted what she herself had been looking for and 2-Lite was born.

Boldly yours,
